1. Fetch and extract the distributions of Apache, mod_ssl and OpenSSL http://httpd.apache.org/ http://www.modssl.org/ http://www.openssl.org/ 2. Build OpenSSL cd openssl ./config make 3. Build and install the SSL-aware Apache cd mod_ssl ./configure --with-apache=../apache --with-ssl=../openssl --prefix=/usr/local/www/ --enable-module=mod_rewrite.h cd .. cd apache make make certificate make install 5. Fire up your SSL-aware Apache and try it out (please replace "local-host-name" with the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of your website which you entered at the "make certificate" step above) $ /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL to decrypt the key so you don't need the passphrase: /usr/local/www/conf/keys/ cp server.key server.key.crypted Then re-write the key with encryption. You will be prompted for the original encrypted Key passphrase /usr/local/ssl/bin/openssl rsa -in server.key.crypted -out server.key One way to secure the decrypted Private Key is to make readable only by the root: # chmod 400 server.key